This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to provide a first aid response to a casualty in line with first aid guidelines determined by the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) and other Australian national peak clinical bodies.
The unit applies to all persons who may be required to provide a first aid response in a range of situations, including community and workplace settings.
The following subjects will be covered as part of the training:
- Responding to an emergency situation
- Performing CPR Procedures in line with ARC Guidelines on adults, children and infants
- Apply appropriate first aid procedures for a variety of injuries and conditions
- Communicating details of the incident & handover to emergency services
- Reviewing the incident & post-incident psychological impacts
Conditions and injuries covered during this training will include
- allergic reaction
- anaphylaxis
- asthma
- non-life-threatening and life-threatening bleeding
- burns
- cardiac conditions, including chest pain
- choking
- diabetes
- drowning
- envenomation – all current treatments
- eye injuries
- fractures, dislocations, strains and sprains
- head, neck and spinal injuries
- hypothermia
- hyperthermia
- minor wounds
- nose-bleed
- poisoning
- seizures
- shock
- sharps injuries
- stroke
1 Full day course (approximately 8 hours)
Face to face
There are no pre-reading requirements. All content is covered in class as part of the training.
Students will be required to complete a written theory assessment as well as a practical demonstration assessment.
Theory Assessment
Mixture of multiple choice and short answer questions. Student will be required to write down their own answers.
Practical Assessment
Performing at least 2 minutes of uninterrupted single rescuer CPR on an adult resuscitation manikin placed on the floor, and at least 2 minutes of uninterrupted single rescuer CPR on an infant resuscitation manikin placed on a firm surface.
Responding to a simulated first aid incident, applying correct first aid procedures to manage the casualty and filling out associated incident report documentation.
Pre-requisite Requirements
No formal pre-requisite requirements apply.
Age Requirements
Students must be 16 years of age or older. Participants under 18 years of age will be required to provide parental consent to attend training.
Fitness Requirements
Students must be relatively fit and able to perform the activities outlined in the Assessment Requirements in order to be accurately assessed and deemed competent. Reasonable adjustment may be applicable on a case-by-case basis. If you have any questions about the practical assessment or the fitness requirements, please give us a call 1300 001 201.
Language, Literacy and Numeracy Requirements
Sound reading and writing skills required to undertake the written assessment. Reasonable adjustment may be applicable on a case-by-base basis. Please get in contact with us if you have any questions regarding the minimum LLN requirements.
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
Students attending this course require a Unique Student Identifier (USI). If you do not have a USI, you will need to get one from the USI Website: https://www.usi.gov.au/students/create-usi
If you think you may already have a USI you can check here: https://www.usi.gov.au/faqs/i-have-forgotten-my-usi
Other Entry Requirements
Please arrive in suitable clothing (enclosed footwear mandatory, long sleeve shirts and long pants are recommended)
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be issued with a Statement of Attainment nationally recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework for the following unit(s) of competency:
- HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
- HLTAID010 Provide basic emergency life support
- HLTAID011 Provide first aid
Public training rates are $180.00 GST Free per person.
For corporate or group rates, please contact our office at 1300 001 201.
We accept payment by credit card or EFT.
Credit card payment can be made over the phone 1300 001 201 or in person at either our Bendigo or Perth office.
Cash payments are not accepted.
How often should i complete first aid training?
First aid training should be completed every 3 years.
How often do you run first aid courses?
Public first aid training courses are scheduled roughly once per month at our east bendigo training centre.
Additional courses may be scheduled depending on the level of demand. Scheduled dates are all listed on our website.
If none of the dates suit, please call our office at 1300 001 201 and we’ll advise of other date options that may be available.
Please call our office at 1300 001 201 or email vic.admin@ish24.com.au and we’ll advise of date options for corporate group sessions.
Where is your training located?
Our Bendigo Training Facility is located at 10 Trantara Court, East Bendigo, VIC 3550
Our Perth Training Facility is located at 21 Joel Terrace, East Perth, WA 6004
How do I book in for a first aid course?
You can book in by calling our office at 1300 001 201 or online by selecting your preferred date from the training calendar online and enrolling into the course through the “APPLY” option.
Once enrolled, you will receive an automated e-mail confirming that we have received your details. Another e-mail will follow directly from our training department with more details regarding the start time of the course and the invoice for the training.
Can you provide first aid training within our workplace?
Yes! We can definitely deliver workplace training. Please give us a call at 1300 001 201 to discuss your training needs further and receive a quote for on-site training.
Do you take large group bookings for first aid training?
Currently, any courses delivered at our training facilities are capped at 10 students per class. This is to ensure that proper social distancing is maintained in our classrooms.
For on-site training, we may be able to deliver training to groups larger than 10 students; however, that is dependent on site policies and the size of the available facilities.
For group bookings, either at our training centres or at your site, please give us a call at 1300 001 201.
Payment Options
Payment options available
Learner Handbook
Please review the Lerner Handbook as it provides important information in relation to your rights and responsibilities as a learner with ISH24
COVID-19 Management
The health and wellbeing of our personnel and fellow students at ISH24 is our number one priority.
In light of the developments surrounding COVID-19 (coronavirus) and the Government announcements around social distancing, we have implemented precautionary measures relating to the delivery of our services and the level of interaction we will have with visitors to our offices moving forward.
Following the advice issued by the Australian Government and ASQA, students may not attend training with ISH24 if they:
- returned from any other international destination in the last 14 days,
- been in close contact with a confirmed case of coronavirus in the last 14 days,
- exhibit symptoms of coronavirus including runny nose, cough, sore throat and/or shortness of breath, or
- been diagnosed with coronavirus.
If you feel unwell the evening before the course, or on the morning of the course, please do not attend.
Please notify us that you will be unable to attend, by emailing us at vic.admin@ish24.com.au or leave a message if you are calling outside of business hours on 1300 001 201
ISH24 will continue to deliver training in a face-to-face environment but we have put measures in place to practice social distancing and improved hygiene, namely:
- All visitors will be required to be temperature checked upon entry and will have to Check In using QR code.
- Classroom sizes will be capped at 10 students and the classroom setup will be amended in such a way as to provide at least 1.5m of space between each student.
- Face masks will be provided to all students and trainers will be required to wear face masks during training delivery.
- Additional hand sanitisation products will be available to all visitors.
- Additional cleaning procedures will be implemented at all training facilities.
We ask that students also follow basic hygiene and safety precautions while completing training with ISH24:
- Please bring your own blue or black pen
- Please observe basic hygiene etiquette
- If you need to cough or sneeze, please do so into your elbow, sleeve or a tissue. If a tissue, please dispose of it immediately into the bin provided, and wash your hands with soap before returning to your table
- Please avoid shaking hands with other participants
- Keep your distance
- Please observe others’ personal space
- Before commencing the practical assessment, all students will be required to thoroughly wash their hands with soap, and are requested to avoid touching their faces, eyes, noses, and mouths until the practical session is completed
- On completion of the practical scenarios, all students will be required to thoroughly wash their hands with soap before returning to the classroom
We will continue to closely monitor the constantly evolving situation surrounding coronavirus and will amend our service delivery procedures to stay in line with the advice of the Australian Government.
We thank everyone for their understanding and cooperation in this matter.
Any questions, please feel free to call us at 1300 001 201
Or send us an e-mail to vic.admin@ish24.com.au with your inquiry
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
Any questions, please feel free to call us at 1300 001 201
Or send us an e-mail to vic.admin@ish24.com.au with your inquiry
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
Training Units of Competency Delivered
Confined Space Entries
Atmosphere Gas Tests Conducted
Confined Spaces Managed
Training Units of Competency Delivered
Confined Space Entries
Atmosphere Gas Tests Conducted
Confined Spaces Managed